• Tracy Henderson




  • Therapy in Seattle, WA

    My services include individual therapy, couples counseling, and life coaching in Seattle, WA.


    I offer therapy for men and women who are experiencing anxiety, depression, emotional challenges, or relationship issues with their partner, family, with their son or daughter, among social circles, or work related issues creating abnormal stress professionally.


    Therapy for men carries a stigma and there are many false narratives that I am inspired to breakdown in an effort to empower males of all ages to feel safe being vulnerable with others, speaking their truth with courage, and becoming confident in who they are.


    I am passionate about couples therapy and supporting both partners in their effort to find their unique connection, find joy, have fun, and grow together in the relationship.


    For couples counseling, I provide support navigating the ebbs and flows in relationships as well as the difficult challenges associated with infidelity and cheating, while also working with couples to identify the repeating patterns that lead to relationship problems. We work together to strengthen your foundation by offering tools and strategies to effectively communicate, manage conflict, and connect emotionally.


    I provide life coaching for individuals who want to develop the mental muscle to achieve a particular goal in their life or develop the habits to overcome obstacles.


    If you feel challenged by a current situation and you’re not sure how to move forward then let's talk. We’ll discuss what's going on for you and develop an approach that’s specific to both you and the individual needs of the situation.

  • Emotions

    Each of us are unique individuals who express ourselves in very different ways. There is not a right way to be, but rather there are emotional signals and behaviors that we project to others which tend to communicate louder than the words we speak.


    Individual therapy and couples counseling can benefit tremendously by developing an attunement with ourself in an on-going effort to cultivate understanding around our own emotional style, our own signals, our patterns of behavior, environmental influcens, and our individual wants and needs.


    Said another way, "How you show up."


    In addition, it's important to understand the different systems, relationships, environments, and external influences that have shaped each of us along our personal roadmap of life.


    Each of us has developed different relationships with our feelings and emotions and what we think and believe about those emotions. How we or others label feelings and emotions has an impact on how we interpret, internalize, and express ourselves.


    Said another way, "How you feel about feelings?"


    For males, of all ages, experiencing and expressing feelings and emotions can be an uncomfortable experience and often men foreclose on the range of emotions and leave themselves limited due to internal and external influences.


    Commonly, men restrict emotions, project anger and/or aggression towards others, or adopt isolating routines. On other occasions, men also tend to mask their discomfort through a "stoic" demeanor or attempt to intellectualize the situation.


    Eventually, physical signs and internal discomfort begin to surface and provide additional emotional clues.


    Said another way, "The body doesn't lie..."


    In a relationship both individuals bring an emotional heritage with them that infiltrates the relationship at some point. Most couples find themselves rehearsing the same perpetual disagreement over and over and falling into common attachment traps until emotions run high and the conversation and behavior eventually goes sideways.


    By that point, both partners often find themselves flooded, exhausted, and overwhelmed by the threat of another argument as well as they feel unsafe sharing their feelings.


    Escalated arguments, distancing from one-another, and shutting down are common signs that one or both partners are hurting emotionally.


    Said another way, "Let's work for understanding..."


    Examples from restricting the expression and communication of feelings and emotions may include:

    • Anger, irritability, or aggressiveness towards others
    • Anxiety in common social situations
    • Obsessive thinking or unwillingness to compromise with others
    • Compulsive behavior that interferes with work, family, or social situations
    • Noticeable changes in mood, energy level, or appetite
    • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
    • Unable to concentrate, feel restless, or on edge
    • Abnormal stress from work or ongoing commitments
    • Excessive use of alcohol or drugs to help cope
    • Engaging in unusual high-risk activities
    • Ongoing sadness or hopelessness
    • Feeling unusually flat for an extended period of time
    • Trouble feeling positive
    • Regular headaches, digestive issues, or unusual aches & pain
    • Isolating one self from family and friends

    If you find yourself, or someone close to you is experiencing one or several of the examples above for an extended period of time then let's talk.


    To Understand More About Our Emotions Download Now!

  • Counseling for Men in Seattle, WA


    Let's talk about the F-word....Feelings. A part of you wants to go there but you also know that men are supposed to be strong. You have learned that you are definitely not suppose to talk about your feelings. Yet, because you are not talking about how you feel, you stuff these feelings down. You do not ask for what you need, so your feelings tend to be more reactionary. Therapy for men in Seattle can help!


    I provide support and counseling for men who want to open up and develop the skills to enable emotional flexibility and emotional intelligence. These tools enable men to find a balance, manage their emotions, and interact with others in a healthy way.


    Emotions and feelings can be overwhelming and flooding. As a man, a husband, or a father you have been influenced by cultural norms, social pressures, and a "guy code" that instills a distorted belief that sharing feelings lessens your masculinity. You may have experienced first-hand the messaging "don't be soft" or "toughen up." Over the years, you may have been told "stop feeling that way."


    The results from exposure to one or many of these experiences may lead to a number of sideways behaviors, ultimately impacting your relationships and personal health.


    Common experiences for men may include:


    Anger | Stress | Anxiety | Isolation | Depression | Stage of life Transitions | Infidelity | Withdrawal | Shutting Down | Sexual or Intimacy Challenges | Separation


    I strongly believe that men benefit tremendously from developing a solid social and emotional foundation. The advantage from learning how to recognize our emotions, manage them in a healthy way, and communicate our feelings has lifetime benefits. It's never to late to start! In addition, it is essential for fathers to model, develop, and nurture both emotional and social skills with their sons and daughters as they mature into adulthood.


    If you feel challenged by a current situation and you’re not sure how to move forward then let's talk. We’ll discuss what's going on for you and develop an approach that’s specific to both you and the overall needs of the situation.


  • Couples Counseling in Seattle, WA

    I work with couples as a resource, a guide, and an advocate.


    By this, I mean I provide support identifying and untangling the source(s) that may be contributing to a recent complicated situation or that may be lending to longstanding obstacles that have built up. I offer support through knowledge sharing, offering relevant tools, and developing processes to enable couples to do different. I also offer guidance practicing the skills that it takes to re-visit conversations from the past or build new understanding for the present and the future.


    I offer pro-active strategies using emotion based therapies such as Gottman Method and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) as well as build understanding around the influence of Attachment, past Trauma(s), or the influence of other obstacles to prepare and strengthen your relationship.


    I look for opportunities to help you understand, grow, and thrive together.


    For many couples, building an understanding around Me|We|Us involves conversations that never took place about the past, present, and future that should have. The stages of a relationship speed up and these critical conversations never happened. Years can pass and both partners feel reluctant, possibly embarrassed, they may carry personal shame that now it's too late to talk about these sensitive topics, or both partners have built up a stock pile of resentment that has distanced them too far apart to feel safe talking with each other.


    Commonly, couples struggle with communication involving sensitive topics such as infertility, intimacy, or addiction. Couples also tend to fight over money, chores, or small things such as the thermostat. Furthermore, couples find themselves repeating the same argument over and over.


    Examples of relationship challenges that I commonly support in couples counseling include:

    • pre-marital anxiety
    • belief systems
    • marriage stress
    • a child
    • a second child
    • working through an infidelity
    • supporting a career change
    • balancing a business
    • going back to school
    • loss of connection as kids have grown up and moved on
    • managing a busy household
    • long term care of a family member
    • loss of a loved one
    • Common relationship traps

    I believe commitment to another human is a practice that requires our attention, intention, and constant effort. If you feel challenged by a current situation and you’re not sure how to move forward then let's talk. We’ll discuss what's going on for both of you and develop an approach that addresses your individual needs , as well as, the overall needs of the relationship.


    To Understand Me|We|Us Download Now!

  • Infidelity and Cheating in Seattle, WA

    Navigating infidelity and cheating in a relationship can be extremely stigmatizing and traumatic for both partners. Discovering a partner has stepped outside of the relationship can be an emotional flooding experience. Disclosing to your partner that you have stepped outside of the relationship can be an emotional flooding experience.


    Both partners are hurting

    Both partners are in pain

    Both partners need support


    I offer support for both partners.


    For those that have discovered their partner has stepped outside of the relationship it might feel like the life has been sucked out of you and the current image of the relationship has abruptly been smashed into a million pieces. Like a mirror being dropped on a hard surface. Cracks emerge and pieces of what was are scattered everywhere. Your emotions and feelings may feel like you're on an extreme roller coaster.


    "How could they do that to me?"

    "Were they living a secret life?"

    "What about the kids?"


    For those that have disclosed they have stepped outside of the relationship it might be one of the most overwhelming conversations you've had to have. A disbelief may have washed over you.


    "How did I let this happen?"

    "How did it go so far?"

    "I am not that person?"


    For many couples, this may be one of the most challenging experiences to navigate together. The stages of healing and recovery from infidelity and cheating will take time. One partner will want the process to speed up while the other partner deserves however long it takes to process these critical conversations and build an understanding. What both partners need is support to navigate the process both individually and together.


    Recovering and healing from infidelity and cheating is a process of healing, building understanding, and developing what relationship 2.0 could look like. While the process is not easy, it is possible to heal, recover, and thrive together. The process does require patience, nurturing, communication, effort, and tremendous courage and vulnerability from both partners.


    If infidelity and cheating has taken place in your relationship and you’re not sure how to move forward then let's talk. We’ll discuss what's going on for both of you and develop an approach that addresses your individual needs , as well as, the overall needs of the relationship.


  • Clinical Supervision

    I am an approved supervisor in Washington State. To become an approved supervisor, it is required to have an independent license in good standing for at least two years, have 25 supervised hours supervising others, and to have 15 continuing education hours in supervision.


    Approach to Clinical Supervision:

    My approach involves a balance of encouragement and support. I lead with an encouraging voice as the process of becoming a professional in the field can be a series of obstacles that involve identifying the unknowns, navigating the mixed emotions, and building confidence through experience. I act as a resource providing relevant and applicable learning opportunities.


    I show up curious to understand how I can be of support and scaffolding to enable you to move towards building the knowledge, skills, and abilities within the field. During supervision with me you can expect an ally, humor, compassion, enthusiasm, and brainstorming in how to best care for you and your clients.


    I have been primarily trained from a holistic mind-body-spirit perspective. Influenced by values-based (ACT) and person-centered therapy (Rogerian). Since, I have cultivated and developed a practice that includes strength (MI) and emotion based therapies (REBT), cognitive and behavioral (CBT), mind-body connection (Polyvagal/Nervous System), attachment theory, Gottman method, and deeper understandings to support Trauma and ADHD. I find the combination of these different approaches very useful and relevant to clients.


    I encourage you to find your voice in therapy and discover how you want to show up with clients.


    Topics commonly addressed:

    Self-Care | Theories and Techniques | Career and Business Goal | Practice Settings | Record Keeping | Financial Management | Ethical Business and Marketing Strategies | Common Practices for Documentation | Client Safety | Back-up Plan for Coverage | Washington State Laws and Ethics


    Who Do I Supervise?

    I supervise both aspiring LMHCAs and licensed LMHCs. In order to become an associate of your desired license, you need an approved supervisor to sign a document from the WA State Department of Health stating that they will be supervising your clinical hours. The following are the requirements for various licenses that I can supervise. Once you obtain your LMHCA, you can begin seeing clients under the supervision of your clinical supervisor. In order to become independently licensed you need to achieve the following:


    What is Required to become an LMHC? (Licensed Mental Health Counselor)

    Once you obtain your LMHCA, you can begin seeing clients under the supervision of your clinical supervisor. In order to become independently licensed you need to achieve the following:


    3,000 hours of experience, or 36 months of full time (whichever comes first):


    1,200 direct client contact (individuals, couples, families, or groups)

    100 hours of immediate supervision with LMHC or other license (with up to one other associate)

    *If your degree is CACREP accredited, you’ll be credited 50 supervision hours and 500 contact hours*

  • “I am not what happened to me,

    I am what I choose to become.”

    C.G. Jung

  • Bio

    broken image


    As a young boy I had no clue about my emotions and I let them run free. In hindsight, I have realized that I was out of touch with myself. I thought yelling, becoming frustrated, and throwing stuff was “normal." From those experiences I began a journey of shutting down my emotions, masking them, or only revealing them when I was completely alone. While I constantly tried to control my behavior, on unfortunate occasions, my bubble would burst and friends or family would witness the ugly in me come out.


    As an adult, I have realized that I was not unique in terms of being a young boy experiencing big emotions and trying to find ways to ask for help. While I did have big emotions that were exhibited in uncomfortable ways I was not “bad” nor was I “broken.”


    Unfortunately, over time I did learn the hard way about how emotions and feelings can impact your life and relationships in unhealthy ways. Which is what led me to seek knowledge, find support, and learn to embrace my emotions and feelings as an adult male in a healthy way.


    The road from shutting down my feelings, expressing explosive unhealthy displays of emotions, and keeping my feelings silenced has evolved into a more healthy approach these days. Learning to recognize and manage my emotions as well as building the courage to express my feelings along with sharing them has been a long journey in self-exploration, education, and practice. A lot of practice….


    It has also been a giant leap of faith, in terms of building my courage, to stand in front of others and express myself, and allow myself to be vulnerable. Opening up, asking for help, and communicating what I need has fostered deep and meaningful relationships that I could have never imagined, especially with my wife and children.

    broken image

    Experience & Education

    • MA in Counseling Psychology, Bastyr University 2014
    • MS in Information Management, University of Washington 2008
    • BA from The Evergreen State College, Olympia 1997
    • The Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Fremont | WA.
    • Renton Area Youth and Family Services (RAYS) Renton | WA.
    • Foster High School in Tukwila | WA
    • Secondary Learning Center in Renton | WA
    • The Gottman Institute
    • The Doherty Relationship Institute
    • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional | CCTP
    • ADHD - Certified Clinical Service Provider | CCSP
    • ISSA Certified Personal Trainer | ISSA - CPT
    • Adjunct Clinical Supervisor | Bastyr Center for Natural Health
    • Mental Health Counselor License | LH60980971 | WA
  • Contact | Location


    Online Therapy


    All appointments are taking place online until further notice.


    Please get in touch with Tracy to discuss the process, risks, limitations, scheduling, etc.

    broken image

    Green Lake | Seattle, WA

  • Cost


    Individual Counseling session | $125

    Couples Counseling session | $150


    I believe therapy should be accessible to everyone. I partner with Open Path Collective. Don't let cost stop you from calling. Please contact me for more information regarding flexible billing.


    Please note: If you are interested in using your health benefits please contact me to discuss your provider and what options we can pursue.


    I can also provide you with a receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement as an Out of Network provider.


    Cash, check, or credit including Health Savings Accounts. Please contact me if you are interested in using your health benefits.

    The No Surprises Act

    The purpose of the No Surprises Act is to let you know about your protections from unexpected medical bills. A good faith estimate is available upon request. If you are initiating services without the use of health insurance then please please visit: https://www.cms.gov/nosurprises for more information.

  • Resources

    Download and explore the following resources focused on understanding more about

    how to practice Me|We|Us in your relationship.

    Download and explore the following resources focused on understanding more about

    our Emotions, Frameworks to consider, and Strategies to practice.

    Download and explore the following resources focused on understanding more about

    Strategies for Self-Regulation and Managing Emotions.

    Download and explore the following resources focused on understanding more about

    Identifying What Matters to You (Values) and How You Show Up for yourself and with others.

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